Saving Africa from Lies that Kill – Amazon Kindle preview now available

Preview is now available for my new book Saving Africa from Lies that Kill: How Myths about the Environment and Overpopulation are Destroying Third World Countries

You can click on the link below or paste in into your browser to see a Kindle preview of the new book. If you have an Amazon online account, you can log in to see more content through chaper 1.

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The book will be released November 13, 2018. You can pre-order now or download the Kindle version today to start reading.

The book not only outlines and discusses the problems , it shows you ways you can help to end the abuses and bring these countries out of poverty, disease and ignorance, and into the 21st century. Poverty, not overpopulation, causes environmental damage, keeps birthrates and disease high, keeps lifespans short and retards development of economies.  Cultural preservation is possible without the accompanying disease, ignorance and hunger.