Communism/Socialism Gain Control Covertly Over Time

 Fabian Socialism is the public face of Communism

Much to the dismay of Marx’s followers, having failed to foment the expected violent overthrow of existing systems in developed countries after World War I, the Communists have resorted to hidden agendas and covert actions, infiltrating and corrupting existing organizations and governments, including unions, universities, schools, churches, charitable organizations, publishing, entertainment, news media, and advocacy groups like the climate and environmental movements. In baby steps called Fabian Socialism, they create or exaggerate crises so they can be perceived as rescuers, but push good causes gradually to ridiculous extremes, morphing them into something the founders never intended.

        Greenpeace is a good example in microcosm. Its founders truly believed in advocating for a cleaner environment and helping animals. The organization has been taken over by wild-eyed extremist anarchists and socialists that advocate violence and political action in service to extreme environmental and anti-human progress agendas. This became so evident that most of the founders and early members left the organization and established or joined more sensible advocacy groups that were based more on science and less on emotions and socialist or Communist ideologies.

        Although Communism and socialism are more openly accepted in developing countries, many of the same tactics are used to gain control and impose their will. Any action, such as overthrow of colonial powers for independence, is preceded by years of careful but subtle influence over the opinions and emotions of native people, and is followed by control through puppet dictators. Only a few countries have been won over by violent rebellion. Most have been persuaded to overthrow existing systems or reject new ideas through propaganda and thought control over time.

        The root of all of the “isms” is a desire for control: control of circumstances and control of others physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. Catholicism and Mohammedism sought to control the people spiritually and physically. European feudalism and monarchism sought to control the people physically. Out of the feudal and Catholic worldviews, which defined permanent classes by birth, grew the Protestant Reformation that sought, through Jesus’ teachings, to love and free the people from this form of tyranny.  Rather, people are able to define their own place in society through skills, initiative and effort and are not bound to a class at birth.

“Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.’”

—Matthew 22:36-39 KJV

        Whereas Communism and the other totalitarians ideologies, i.e. “isms,” see people only as monolithic groups to be controlled, true Judeo-Christian ethics values each individual and encourages, as basic tenets, personal responsibility as well as loving and caring for others. Christianity also defined an orderly universe that follows natural laws that can be discovered through scientific study. From the Protestant Reformation grew science, technology, industry, and freedoms of thought and accomplishments that have produced our modern world

        It fostered the independence that is America, where people are free to do and believe what they choose without insisting everyone else must think as they do. Modern liberal leaders, a.k.a. Fabian socialists, have thrown this concept out the window and try to impose their way of life and opinions on others. Tolerance is defined as everyone else accepting and embracing their view. They are truly intolerant of other points of view, such as conservative or Christian. To paraphrase a line in an old western TV show, “They hate intolerance so much, they get downright intolerant about it.”[1]

“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

—John 8:32 KJV

[1] The Deputy, NBC TV series 1959-1961, Henry Fonda as Marshal Simon Frye says about his reluctant deputy: “He hates violence so much, he gets downright violent about it.


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The book: Saving Africa from Lies that Kill: How Myths about the Environment and Overpopulation are Destroying Third World Countries will be published in October, 2018. Print and e-book will be available online and in bookstores.

My first book, Perverted Truth Exposed: How Progressive Philosophy has Corrupted Science was published in 2016. It is available in print and e-book, on line only, through World Net Daily store, Amazon, Books-A-Million and Barnes & Noble.  See the companion blog at  for related posts and pages.